Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Love (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8)

If you ever been to a wedding (or the inside of Hobby Lobby, Hallmark. etc), more than likely you know this verse. We hear and see it all the time...

1Corinthians 13: 4-8 (NLV)

Love does not give up. 
Love is kind. 
Love is not jealous. 
Love does not put itself up as being important.
Love has no pride.
Love never thinks of itself.
Love does not get angry.
Love does not remember the suffering that comes from being hurt by someone.
Love is not happy with sin.
Love is happy with truth.
Love takes everything that comes without giving up.
Love believes all things
Love hopes for all things.
Love keeps on in all things.
Love never comes to an end.

I think most everyone has heard it or seen it somewhere. And it gives us the warm and fuzzy feeling of new love. Right? I know I do... when I see two people that mean enough to me to invited to their wedding and I watch them as they exchange vows and the preacher reads these words, I can't help but feel happy and hopeful that their marriage will be full of the love mentioned in 1 Corinthians.

But it won't.

Don't get me wrong, it will have days full of that kind of love. Love is all these things, but people aren't. They can't BE love. People get angry, people sin, people can be selfish and prideful. PEOPLE aren't love. GOD is love.

1John 4:8 (NKJV)

He who does not love, does not know God. for GOD IS LOVE.

People aren't love, God is. So why do we try so hard to BE love instead of giving love. We can't BE God, but we can give the gift of His word and His message, and do our best to live our lives the best we can and use His word as a guide in loving others.

1John 4:11 (NKJV)

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

You can't BE love, but you can be patient and kind. You can't BE love, but you can show examples of love. But we are all less than God, and we will fail from time to time (some periods in life, I fail daily), but that's ok! The great news is that God IS love. He is patient and kind with us always! He will never end, His love will never end.

In our lives, we need to show love to others. We will not always be great at it, but we can try. In our marriages, our families, our jobs, wherever we are, show love, CHOOSE love. A hateful heart will never be happy. A heart full of God has no room for hate.

I wanted to share something I wrote several years ago about true love (marriage).

True love is perfectly, imperfect. It is fighting and forgiveness. It is laughter and sadness. It is anger and comfort. It is all these things wrapped in two people who love each other enough to see past the imperfections. Life isn't perfect, people are not perfect. The good times in a marriage are great, but they aren't always. I've heard people say that God is testing your marriage during the hard times. I call a big ol' BS on that one! In the hard times, God is holding your love, supporting it, encouraging it while it is attacked by the devil. The devil wants to destroy love and the great things that come from love. God gave us all free will, we can decide whether or not to allow the fighting, sadness and anger to control our love, ending it, OR we can fight against the evils, cherish the laughter, forgiveness and comfort in our lives.

Love is hard because LOVE is perfect, but people aren't. You have to make a choice everyday to choose love. You have to fill your heart with God and the love will follow.

Love one another, cherish each other, be the kind.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Beauty (1 Peter 3:3-4)

"Beauty is only skin deep."
                                    -Sir Thomas Overbury

"Beauty comes from within"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." 
                                    -Greek Proverb

"Beauty is in the eye of the BEER holder"
                                     -some drunk guy somewhere

"Pretty is as pretty does."
                                    -unknown (every Southern mom I've ever met)

We've all heard the sayings. When I was young, I remember hearing on some show that those are the things you say to ugly people. WOW! That is harsh! But I also remember being a young girl and crying because there was a boy... a boy I liked in school and he wanted to take another girl to the school dance. All I could think was "he thinks she's prettier than me." I was crushed!

But you know what, she was prettier... on the outside. She had this perfect hair, knew just how to do her makeup, she had uh... big boobs (sorry, but I'm pretty blunt, you'll learn to love it). She had all this beauty that I just didn't have. My mother (where I get my bluntness), said something like this:

"oh honey, that boy is a dumbass, that girl is a bitch and YOU my darling daughter are beautiful and better than both of them."

Isn't it funny how people views on what is "beautiful" differ so much... I wonder why that is??

Enter stage left: the Holy Bible

In 1 Peter, Chapter 3, verses 3-4 it says:

Do not let your adornment be merely outward - arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel - rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.          -NKJV

Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.        -NLT

If only I had someone to point me to this verse when I was 14. Even if they had, I wouldn't of listened but it speaks directly to those who feel inadequate in the "pretty" department. Your true beauty does dwell within. You cannot be beautiful with an ugly heart.

So, we all see beauty differently, but why??

It's not what WE see, it is what is SHOWN TO US. Others will see our beauty, IF we let them.

I have an ugly side, just mess with my kids and I'll be happy to show her to you... she's not pretty. I don't like putting that face forward, but I love my children fiercely and anyone will tell you that EVERY southern mom has a "momma bear" living within. People who've seen this side of me, probably don't think of my beauty when they think of me. They think of negative things, like anger and shouting and "crazy lady on the loose."

So, if I want others to think I am beautiful, I need to show them my beauty... not with fancy clothes, perfect hair or expensive things. No, my beauty lies in my words and actions. It does truly come from within me. I could be ugly, but that's a choice. I choose to not be ugly though. I choose to show people what is within, the gentle, caring (not sure I can do quiet) spirit I hold within my heart. You can make the choice each day as to what you show the world. Will you show them the ugly or will you show them the beauty? Choose beauty. Please, choose beauty. Your beauty is precious to God, and anything precious to Him is worth showing off to the world!

So ask yourself, are you showing others your beauty each day? Beauty isn't seen in a mirror, but in the eyes of the person looking at you.

 "The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides."                            -Audrey Hepburn

"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."
                                                                      -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Welcome to Paradise Pondering

Welcome to my blog!

First off, thanks for reading!

I just want to take a minute to introduce myself and my "why" for this blog.

My name is Jessica, I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a teacher, a community leader for multiple youth activities and most importantly, I am a Christian. Without my faith, I couldn't do all these things, BE all these things in a way that is worthy to those whose lives I affect. For that reason, my faith makes me a better mother, daughter, sister, wife, teacher and leader. I am not better because I force my beliefs on those I am around, I am better because I'm a good person and a good example to others.

I do my best to be a good person and when I ask myself the difference between "good" and "bad," I know the place to find the answer is the Holy Bible. I will be honest, I am not a Bible Scholar, I have not attended any higher education in religion or Bible Study, but I do have strong faith and have had 4 years of formal religion education at a Catholic high school (I am not Catholic, but I have learned very much from the education I received).

As for my "why," this gets tricky and personal. In all honestly, this all started to form in my mind because of a post I saw on social media at one point... don't even know what it was now, but I wanted to rant and rave about it, post some long post in response to the idiot and set him straight. Then I let the idea die, more than once. I said to myself, "no one cares what I have to say on the subject, just scroll on." But what if that's not what it's about??? What if my thoughts and feelings on Bible verses/chapters can bring someone to Jesus? What if I can help someone find the way and the light and the true path to everlasting life through Him? One person... one person and I will have achieved the greatest feat I know. We all sin, no one is perfect, and I will be the first to say, I'm not perfect.

I like to have fun... sometimes, I cuss or drink, I get mad or say something hateful. I'm not a perfect wife, mother, daughter, friend... far from any of those. I fail daily, I fail to be perfect, but that is OK!! And it is ok because I have a lord and savior who loves me just as I am.

Back to how this got started, often times in church when the preacher is reading scripture, I will read a little more of the passage to get a feeling of context. See the preacher has studied the Bible in a way I haven't so sometimes it doesn't make sense to me unless I read a little of what was written before and a little of the after. Anyhow, I came across a couple verses in the Bible that spoke so loudly to me, in a way that made me say, "hmmm, I wonder if I could be a guest speaker at our ladies' ministry sometime and show them this, this right here!" I'm sure I could arrange it, but I decide to go big or go home. So a blog it is!

Here are some things you should know as you read my blog:

1. This is MY blog and MY beliefs, while an open conversation is always welcome, religious debates with unfriendly tones or name calling will be removed from comments. I will not tolerate disrespect. If you're planning to argue with me on the existence of God or Jesus, just move along... I won't engage and will delete your comments. If you don't like what I have to say, please don't feel like you have to come back.

2. The way it works is simple, I will find verses from time to time that speak loudly to me, I will share them with you and my ponderings on them (anyone not from Texas: ponderings are like thoughts). While I don't like being wrong, it may happen from time to time and we may disagree but that's ok. Friendly disagreements are welcome.

3. Sometimes, I ramble... read what you want, skip what you want, but please read it all before you comment. This will save you from embarrassment. It may take me a while, but I do eventually get to the point.

Thats it! Welcome to Paradise Pondering! My hope and prayer is that you will take something positive from reading.